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Global Compression Services is an industry-leading powerhouse in manufacturing and fabricating aftermarket parts and components for reciprocating natural gas compressors. Utilizing the highest quality CNC milling and lathing technology and backed by decades of manufacturing experience and expertise, our highly-skilled team produces consistently superior-quality precision components and parts that meet or exceed the specifications and performance of OEM parts.
For customers and operations requiring uniquely tailored aftermarket parts solutions, our manufacturing capabilities also accommodate the production of components from custom-engineered designs. Additionally, our facilities and fabricating processes allow us to quickly ramp up production for high-volume part production and give us the ability to meet quick-turn targets.
Meticulous inspection and quality control throughout production is vital to our established record of superior aftermarket part performance and reliability. Our quality control protocols begin with first unit inspection which ensures that the part meets, with exact precision, the specifications of the component design. This is then followed by multiple inspections at regular intervals throughout the production cycle.
At the end of production, all units are then subsequently inspected to ensure full and exact compliance with the original design specifications before being carefully packed for delivery or shipment.